our motto.

do good. be kind. do more.

Every day we try to do something good, say a kind word or share a smile, and go the extra mile. We believe in improving the world around us and those that we share it with and we want to build a like-minded community that together can make some waves. Whether it’s doing something to improve yourself, your community, or the world we share, all small acts add up to a greater sum. Please take a moment to check out some of our favorite organizations below, see what they stand for, and consider how you can do more.

leave only footprints, just not the carbon kind.

We stand for carbon neutral travel and sustainable practices when living a life on the move. We track every mile we drive and hour we motor to calculate our carbon footprint and create an equivalent offset.


Taking Care of What We Love

It’s no secret how much time we spend outdoors. We love this earth we call home and that means embracing responsibility for the duty we have to take care of it and ensure it is thriving. Our actions alone won’t make the earth a perfect place, but we hope you’ll join us in working towards a happier and healthier earth that we can explore for years to come!



26,232 miles

Have rolled beneath our feet as we roamed around in our van and soaked in the scenery.

0 hours

Of motoring on Spirit, a 1978 sailboat and our biggest project yet. We’re determined to be sailing soon though!

9.25 tons

Of blue carbon offset, through the Seagrass Grow Project, by planting seagrass in coastal wetlands to fight climate change.